Mentors Manual
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JWOC provides a fully immersive learning experience for students and first-time contributors by promoting the wonders of open-source software and crafting a community of new and experienced technical developers. The best projects are selected for this program. Students get acquainted with the projects from the mentors during the Community Bonding Period. Students work on these projects during the coding phase. At the end of the coding period, the winners of the programs are announced on the basis of their contribution in terms of quantity as well as quality.
Code of ConductProjects
If you are new to open source world or have some experience in open source and want to contribute in some amazing open source projects register as a mentee.
Mentee's RegistrationIf you have some unique projects which you are willing to add some features or complete it by open sourcing them, we encourage you to apply for mentorship in our program.
Mentor's RegistrationLets start the Debugging, Decoding, Developing journey!
It's finally the time to jump into Open Source Development and find your desired
projects where you wish to contribute by leveraging your skillsets. Don't forget
to interact with the mentors and know the details of their projects! Each of your
contribution is one step forward towards building a great solution.
So here we go, Projects for this year JWoC are revealing one by one. So go on check
them out right here.
Because exciting rewards & prizes are waiting just for you.
Feel free to contact us on any platform and we will happy to help you out.
Also follow us for latest updates.